"Supreme Audio Labs is a professional recording studio located in the South of Portugal featuring the best of both vintage analog and modern digital tools. Music is our passion, and we focus on making a big sound in an intimate setting."
Senior Engineer Edgar Guerreiro Teodoro
Mac Pro Intel XEON 4x 2,66GHz, 16GB RAM
2x MOTU HD 192 (BL modified) 24channel AD/DA
Mutec MC 3 Smart Word Clock
Emagic Unitor 8
Apple Logic Pro
AVID Pro Tools 11
6TB Recording HD
2TB Sample HD
10TB Backup HD
56channel Mackie 8Bus Console
WAVES Plug-ins
Universal Audio UAD2 Powered Plug-ins
Slate Digital Plug-Ins
Sly-Fi Plug-ins
Sonalksis Plug-ins
2x Brauner Phantom C
2x SALabs AK47 Tube
2x SALabs Royal Ribbon
2x Oktava MC12 Stereo Pair
Oktava MC12 Single
3x Sennheiser MD421 II
Sennheiser E606
Sennheiser E604
Sennheiser E840 S
3x Shure SM 57
Shure Beta 57
Shure Beta 52a
AKG D112
2x EV PL-38
SSL XLogic Superanalogue Channel
SSL XLogic E & G Equalizer (mono)
SSL XLogic Compressor (mono)
Universal Audio 6176 Valve Channel-Strip
Universal Audio 1176 Compressor (mono)
Joemeek VC3 Pro Channel (Neve Style)
Mackie 8Bus Console Preamps
Mackie 8Bus Console EQs
Joemeek SC2.2 Optical Stereo Compressor
2x dbx 160x Mono VCA Compressor
Lexicon MPX500 Stereo Effect Processor
TC Finalizer 96k Mastering Processor
SPL Transient Designer 4channel
Aphex Aural Exciter
Mackie HR 824 (first Generation)
Yamaha NS 10
Dynaudio 14S Subwoofer
Auratone 5C Mono
Sony Hifi Speaker
Boom Box

J&D MM E-Bass
J&D LesPaul E-Guitar
HB Western Guitar
Yamaha Nylon Guitar
Roland SPD 8 Drum Pad
Warwick Pro Fet 3.2 Bass Head
Fender Side Kick 600 15" Cabinet
Marshall MG15 Combo
Meinl Cajón
Roland JV 2080 Synth
EMU Planet Phatt Synth